Friday, July 15, 2011

What I Could Not Teach Without- Link Up!

My Classroom Top 5 Must-Haves!
Link up with Mrs. Lamb to share yours!

1) My laptop- My wonderful school system gives each teacher a MacBook to use administratively and educationally. I would be lost without it!

2) Laptop Projector- This is my "go to" item. I use it almost on a daily basis to project powerpoints, website, interactive games, word documents, etc.

3) Computers for my students- I need at least 4 computers in my room for my kiddos to use mainly for AR tests, but also for educational websites!

4) Hand Sanitizer- I am kind of a germ freak so I can't stand the thought of touching an assignment that has just been touched by a kid that sneezed. Ugh! Every time I hear a sneeze or see a nose being blown, I totally point to the hand sanitizer.

5) Laughter- I love having laughter in my classroom. Usually it is brought upon by me being sarcastic or by a silly thing that a student did or said. Laughter is the best medicine and can make any day better!

1 comment:

Rachel Lamb said...

aww! Laughter! good one!