Thursday, July 28, 2011

Linky Party- What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve in the Classroom?

Alisha over at The Bubbly Blonde is hosting a Linky Blog Hop! Join in!

My biggest pet peeve is when my 3rd graders ask me about something that we are about to do. For instance, after lunch we always go to recess so why come up to me in the hall or when we get in the classroom and ask, "Are we going to go outside?" Don't come up to me and ask, "What are we going to do next?" just because you are done with an assignment. You will find out in a minute. Ugh, annoys me so!

A second pet peeve is the pencil sharpener. I cannot stand the wall pencil sharpener. Mainly kids asking me to use the pencil sharpener. I do not understand why they need to sharpen pencils so much. Therefore, this year I am making my kids keep an individual pencil sharpener in their desks so they don't have to get up and go sharpen their pencils. I will be less annoyed and it will be more productive for class time!

Those are my two main pet peeves, what are yours?


Unknown said...

I laughed at both of your responses, I can't stand either of them either! I have a "Never say you are done" policy in my room. It doesn't take long and other students will answer the student that always has to state "I'm finished," or "I'm done." I always tell them, 'Your work is never finished."

Amanda Kendall said...

Ha! I totally hate the pencil sharpener too. I give my kids this whole shpeal at the beginning of the year about how the pencil sharpener stops working between the hours of 8:00 and 3:20. Miraculously it comes on at the end of the day. :) My 4th and 5th graders always laughed and abided by the rule, but my 3rd graders seemed genuinely concerned that it wasn't working properly. Gotta love 'em!

The Teaching Thief