Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I'm Thankful For

Thanksgiving Break has begun! I figured I would take a moment to talk about what I am thankful for. At 25, I have no complaints or regrets in my life. It has been pretty awesome so far. I have so many great memories from my childhood especially from this time of year at Navarre. All the Thanksgivings at Navarre will forever be my favorite memories. Middle school is when softball began taking over my life, which I loved every minute of. I discovered that I had a semi-good talent for fastpitch pitching, Coach Ty and Mama devoted so much time developing my skills. High school softball ruled my life and I loved every minute of the craziness. Plus, I kind of became obsessed with scooping ice cream at the BR. So obsessed with all that great money I was making, all the people that would come in that got to know me, and of course my co-workers especially those that I remain in touch with today. Entering college at Southwest, I met so many more great girls on the team. We were not the best team by any means, but we sure knew how to have fun when we played and on the road trips. I met Eric at Southwest, he became one of my biggest softball fans, and of course my main squeeze :) Moving on to the U of M my softball career may have ended, but I got more into my career path and loved my education courses. Apparently I loved learning about education so much, that I am still doing it 3 years after completing my bachelor's, I have one master's and I am 3/4 done with my second :)
My list of thankfuls:
-Eric and JoJo: Eric and JoJo are my boys. They are always there for me, they make me laugh, they keep me company, and they love me. What more could a girl ask for :)
- Our Baby: K, well I guess a girl could ask for more considering I have a miracle developing inside me. Eric and I are beyond excited about getting to meet our baby girl or boy. It is amazing how the development of a baby progresses throughout the 9 months. It is all so exciting and scary at the same time. Our lives are going to change dramatically, but definitely for the better.
-My Cerrito Family: The seven members of my family are all unique. No two people have the same personalities or even really the same interests in life which always makes family gatherings interesting and fun. My parents are great, Mama is always busy from one thing to the next (that must be where I get my busy-bodiness from) and Daddy is just Daddy. He hangs out at the house with his best pal Lacie. My sisters are the best! I love spending time with both of them and I am so proud of who they are. My brothers are crazy, but life wouldn't be normal if they weren't. They enjoy life and that is what matters.
-My Grandparents: My grandparents are the most loving and caring people I have ever met. Grandaddy is such a sweetheart always expressing how much he cares about us and memommy is just too cute. She loves to talk, I can tell her just about everything and my favorite word she uses is darling. I love spending time with both of them so on my breaks from teaching I always find the time to have a lunch date with them :) They are both elated with becoming great grandparents which makes me even more excited!
-My Faught Family: Eric's family has taken me in as one of the Faught's ever since we started dating. His family is always joking around which always makes for a good time.
-My job: I could not ask for a better place to work. I love my job so much each and every day. I don't think I would say that if I were at a different school. BES has such a friendly loving environment for the faculty and the kids are pretty awesome too.
-My friends: I love getting to spend time with my friends. The funny thing about my friends is that many of them are 15 or more years older than me or a couple of years younger than me, but that doesn't bother me one bit. Friends are friends no matter what their age!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby on the Way :)

I am going to be a mommy and I am so excited about it. Perfect teacher baby with a due date of June 8th :) I will be tenured in January, complete my second master's degree May 3rd, and become a mom in June. Wonderful year coming up! Here are some frequently asked preggo questions:
  1. How far along are you? 11 weeks 1 day
  2. Have you been sick at all? I have had some nausea, but it has definitely subsided the past week. The main preggo symptom I have had is being extremely tired, but that has also subsided this week. Heading toward the second trimester where my energy level is supposed to increase.
  3. Are you going to find out if it is a girl or a boy? Most definitely, can't wait to find out!
  4. Are you going to share the gender and the name? Well of course, once we find out the gender we will let everyone know and once we decide on a name for sure we will share that too!
  5. Do you know which room will be the nursery? The room right across from ours that my grandmother has called "the baby room" ever since we moved in :)
  6. Was this planned? Yes it was planned the best we could around my school year. Worked out great!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Race for Education!

Today, was the 10th Annual Race for Education, and it was held in Bartlett for the first time! The past 9 years, the race has been held in G-Town. The location this year was great for our school b/c more parents and kids were willing to come. I asked my teacher friend Kathy if she would walk with me (b/c of course i would not run 3 miles) and she said she would. So we met up at Bartlett High to catch the shuttle bus (which ended up being a school bus). We got all signed in and ready to go very quickly. The shirt is definitely the best one out of the three that I have. It is white this year and long sleeved. My previous two were green and blue short sleeve it is nice to get something different. The logo is very cute too! We walked the entire 3 miles in 1 hour and 2 minutes. Great fun and great exercise!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Nothing like a weekend of relaxation. After last weekend's fun filled adventures, I entered this weekend with no plans :) It started off great, I went to see MegaMind with one of my teacher friends and some 2nd graders. Definitely would recommend MegaMind. It was a great movie with a great story line. Friday evening I fell asleep on the couch around 8:30 or so. No worries, that is typical of me. Teaching is an exhausting profession and by Friday, I am pooped. So from my mid-evening nap and sleeping in Saturday till around 9:15 felt great. I woke up Saturday with more energy than I have had in a while. I needed that energy in order to complete my last ASU assignment for the week. Lately, I have been procrastinating my work until Saturdays b/c I cannot seem to make myself get it done during the school week. The rest of the day Saturday I spent relaxing in front of the tv, walking my dog, went on a quick grocery run, helped Eric with classes, and then made home-made potato soup with Eric. We were very happy with the results of our trial-batch. Plenty of leftovers to enjoy! Getting geared up for this 4 day work week that I have. We are off Thursday for Veteran's day :)