Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend of Weather

This weekend was filled with serious storms that consisted of much of my time spent inside our hallway closet. Living 10 yards or so away from a tornado siren can be a good thing, but when the siren goes off and my part of the county is not in any serious danger, the sirens become quite a nuisance and scare me half to death. I was so glad that I fell asleep at 8:15 Friday night completely exhausted from the wonderful field trip that I spent with my students because this is what I experienced later on that night:
1st experience: 4:00ish Saturday morning
2nd experience: 10:30ish Saturday morning
3rd experience: 9:45ish Saturday night
4th experience: 1:30ish Sunday morning
Needless to say, I was excited to get a continous amount of sleep last night with no interruptions.

I am amazed by the amount of flooding that surrounding towns have experienced. Some people have lost everything that they own. I cannot even imagine the nightmare that they are going through right now.

On a bitter-sweet note, the school year is winding down! I have LOVED my class this year so much. I am really going to miss them, but I will be excited to have a more relaxed schedule for two months. We all know that I cannot stay still without something to do for more than 5 minutes or so, therefore my summer may be relaxed, but not boring. I will be completing a grad school class from Mid-May to Mid-June, then I am free of grad school till after Paula's wedding in September and I will only have 4 classes left plus my internship and I will be done with school forever! I will be working part-time whenever I am needed at the salon. We will be remodeling our master bathroom. I will be throwing Paula a wedding shower. I will be having multiple lunch dates with my grandparents. I will be swimming at Paula's pool and the Loft's pool :) Oh yeah and I will be assisting with leadership opportunities for the school district. Sounds relaxing huh?

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